Serious The hoax of "mental illness"

There is no happiness - only pleasure or pain.
Jan 26, 2022
First let's read this, at the end are my arguments and analysis:

"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.

The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.

External factors causes these "non-conforming" behaviours, because only in a social setting there can be such a thing as non-conformity. That's why "mental illness" is simply a social construct. If you were living alone in an island, there would be no such thing.

But when living in a social setting, patterns for acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour arises and those who do not fit are treated as to be excluded from the benefits of social living.

For instance, if you are ugly, short, bald, deformed, "shy" ("non-NT"), ethnic, you are not fitting the social pattern of acceptability, therefore you are excluded from the benefits of social living, or your participation in these social settings is lessened and not as beneficial as for those who conform, let's say the job market, dating market, familial relationships, friendships, etc.

This rejection causes these problems in living: you are not able to conform, and knowing the Black Pill, you know most of these factors for acceptance are out of your control, so realizing and re-living these past negative experiences makes a consciousness arise, that you are not able to conform either because the factors are outside of your control or because of missed opportunities (let's say you become too old to enter a carreer, or to have actual functional sex, which should be had by fertile men and women).

That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers. They are the same as poets or philosophers, they simply play a non-scientific game where they make conclusions based upon established social norms (which can and in fact do affect scientific methodology itself). If you remove the scientific veil of this profession, you will understand that shrinks can only "help" you realize things about yourself or about the exterior world.

If you are able to conform again, you are "cured", if you do not succeed (as most incels won't), you will still be considered "mentally ill".

THIS IS WHY ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SOMEHOW FIT THE SOCIAL STANDARD OF ACCEPTABILITY CAN BE "CURED" FROM THEIR "MENTAL ILLNESS". A foid, simply by having a wet stinky hole, can always be cured from her "mental illness" in this gynocentric world, because she will always be accepted in some degree. A good-looking man, even if he has past traumas and has abused drugs, can also be "cured" because he can always be able to conform as long as he realize what he has to do in order to conform, and his non-changeable features are already conforming to acceptable standards.

Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness". They can only stimulate or supress your biological and innate immune system in some way, just like any other type of medicine will. They can only control the symptoms of your problems in living, they will deactivate your receptors and turn you into a robot devoid of the ability to face your sadness and trauma from bad experiences rationally, thus dumbing you down to your own suffering.

I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.

If I wanted to be "cured", I'd have to go to a psychologist to brainwash me into thinking I can somehow conform by doing "x" or "y", but I know for a fact that's not the case. Everytime I tried to adopt a bluepilled/NPC belief, it gave me some false hope and sense of belonging, a sense that I could try again some other way and finally achieve conformity. But in the long run this will inevitably lead to more sorrow, because by exposing yourself again to these social experiences you will be again rejected and fail to conform if you do not have the features that fit the standard of conformity.

This is why the Redpill can actually be damaging to many many men, like it was to me. You set yourself for bigger disappointments by "working on yourself" and spending time, money and effort trying to reach things you were never able to achieve. The higher the mountain, the bigger the fall. Their copout for this reality? "Don't do it for women/others/status, do it for yourself".

"Mental illness" treatment can "work" for some people (as said, foids and good looking men, for instance) because by "adopting a positive mindset" they can expose themselves again to social settings and get their dopamine hits, validation and positive reinforcement, thus opening ground for them to conform again and live "healthy" and NPC lives.

I've been close to people (male and female) that supposedly suffered from "depression", "schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder" and other "mental illnesses", and I can say that based on my analysis, backed by mountains of proof, that they simply (for some reason or another) were going though bad times and were not achieving what they wanted to achieve, or simply had too high standards in their minds they needed to achieve (either socially enforced standards or standards they set to themselves based on false concepts of reality and what's achievable based on the hand you are delt - genetics, where you're born, in which family you're born, etc). As soon as some external factor gets better and they again have the possibility to conform and live up to social standards, they get "better" from their "illnesses" and can live pleasant and healthy lives as most NPCs do in their own ignorance.

Like every commodity there is, there is a market for it. "Mental illness" is not only a good market for medicine professionals and Jewpill companies, especially because the solutions can cause dependence in individuals consooming these "goods", but it is also a great weapon for the government, elites, etc (i.e. the ruling class, the winners of societal standards), it can be used for control, for them to feel better in comparison to you for not conforming, and most important: to shove all kinds of dangerous ideas that can go against their established order, the order of things that benefits them and exclude you.

You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.
This is also why the ever-increasing standards for acceptability will lead to more diagnosed mentally ill people when in fact it's just the growing amount of people not being able to conform.
Based! Have you ever heard of gaslighting?
Based! Have you ever heard of gaslighting?
Yes, gaslighting is the weapon normies use, consciously or unconsciously, to (1) reinforce their own comfortability with their conforming features; (2) prevent your non-conformity to affect them either directly - through retribution against their prejudicial behaviour towards your - or indirectly - by realizing unconfortable truths about their own conformity (like being valued because they look good while you get rejected by your bad looks, lack of money, lack of status, etc). It is the force that keeps their social standards safe from external attacks, it keeps non-conforming people from gaining access to their own necessities by playing an open and non-artificial social game where actual truths (blackpill) are on full display for everyone to realize and act upon.

Actually found some interesting points on wikipedia page for gaslighting:

This proves exactly what I said, psychology and psychiatry can be forms of gaslighting if the "patient" is actually unable to conform to the standards being pushed upon him, causing even more damage to the "patient".
What hurts you is not the "mental illness", it's the illusion psychologists and psychiatrists push upon you to conform, which will lead to more suffering if you cannot attain to those standards.

But covering a lie and gaining money from it is better for the ruling class than actually pushing forward an accurate view of reality (blackpill) and helping people deal with it, which would inevitably lead to a decrease of power of the elites.
It’s all bullshit. I read two sentences of your post and I know for a fact all you said is bullshit, and there is no time to waste.

Mental illness exists because consciousness is bound by determinism regulating every aspect of the universe, in this case through genetics which can make or fail a person’s mental capacity and output/experiences. Of course there are phenomena affecting mental health by environment but for the most part the real/significant ones lie in genetics.

I’m sure Atavistic Autist @Atavistic Autist would possibly like to have a word or two about this:feelshehe:, so I’m leaving it to him.
It’s all bullshit. I read two sentences of your post and I know for a fact all you said is bullshit, and there is no time to waste.

Mental illness exists because consciousness is bound by determinism regulating every aspect of the universe, in this case through genetics which can make or fail a person’s mental capacity and output/experiences. Of course there are phenomena affecting mental health by environment but for the most part the real/significant ones lie in genetics.

I’m sure Atavistic Autist @Atavistic Autist would possibly like to have a word or two about this:feelshehe:, so I’m leaving it to him.

Yeah exactly, I guess autism isn’t real either, must just be a social construct


Turnip IQ thread
It’s all bullshit. I read two sentences of your post and I know for a fact all you said is bullshit, and there is no time to waste.

Mental illness exists because consciousness is bound by determinism regulating every aspect of the universe, in this case through genetics which can make or fail a person’s mental capacity and output/experiences. Of course there are phenomena affecting mental health by environment but for the most part the real/significant ones lie in genetics.

I’m sure Atavistic Autist @Atavistic Autist would possibly like to have a word or two about this:feelshehe:, so I’m leaving it to him.
You have said nothing in your phrase and thus I won't even make an effort trying to understand the mumbling you did, and I'm not only quoting Szasz here which was an actual medical professional and psychiatrist, there's many many books and literature with thoughtful contestations about this whole concept of mental illnesses, medicine and psychoanalysis, I'm not making anything up from my ass. Unlike you (probably), I've read a lot about this subject and scientific methodology and philosophy of science in general, because I didn't just spend my years of inceldom playing video games and trying to cope, I (ingenously) was trying to reach what truth is and much of what is supposedly scientific knowledge and scientific consensus is actually bullshit. I'll wait for Atavistic Autist input then.
Yeah exactly, I guess autism isn’t real either, must just be a social construct


Turnip IQ thread
A neurodevelopmental "disorder" is not the same as the "mental illnesses" I was talking about or the subject the literature I mentioned is related to. You make high IQ posts but please refrain from posting low-IQ comments in my thread if you don't know what you're talking about and didn't even made an effort to understand the subject.
A neurodevelopmental "disorder" is not the same as the "mental illnesses" I was talking about or the subject the literature I mentioned is related to. You make high IQ posts but please refrain from posting low-IQ comments in my thread if you don't know what you're talking about and didn't even made an effort to understand the subject.

Lol I was just kidding bro, I understand the points you made but am a bit tired right now, so I will properly reply after I have gotten some sleep

Great thread btw
Neurological malfunctions exist and can cause behavioural reflections, neither I nor Szasz are denying this. But these are actual neurological conditions (i.e. physical) and not at all the same as "bad feelings" resulting from not conforming to social standards. Even these conditions are real and can cause prejudicial effects on one's living, that doesn't mean these conditions can be reversed or altered by taking medication or talking to a psychologist.
Autism is actually a good example. The neurological defficiency in autism cannot ever be cured, but the autist can actually become more integrated into society by undergoing CERTAIN types of therapy (which is not psychological babble but actually sensorial stimulation like hydrotherapy and riding horses). The core issue (physical underdevelopment of the brain) can't be fixed by medicine or psychiatry but the relationship of the autist with the external world can be more integrated by stimulating functions that the autist can accomplish (simple tasks such as mentioned).
actual medical professional and psychiatrist, there's many many books and literature with thoughtful contestations about this whole concept of mental illnesses, medicine and psychoanalysis
Means nothing.
I'm not making anything up from my ass.
You aren’t but they are.
Unlike you (probably)
If I’m pulling out of my ass which I’m not, they are pulling out of their intestines.
this subject and scientific methodology
Doesn’t exist.
philosophy of science in general,
Sure thing bud. Good for you. Doesn’t help your point.
didn't just spend my years of inceldom playing video games and trying to cope,
You instead spent it fretting over worthless ass backwards theories put out by people disguised as professionals or whatever the fuck that means. You might as well have just spent it on video games and cope anyways.
what is supposedly scientific knowledge and scientific consensus is actually bullshit.
There we reach it. You acknowledge that it means nothing here. Might as well have not thrown around scientific methodology of this subject and psychiatrists and professionals and whoever you’re deepthroating for collecting together a few inexperienced thoughts (today’s age only experience about psychiatry comes from having mental illness yourself really).
I'll wait for Atavistic Autist input then.
If he bothers. I disrespectedly assumed he would spend time and mental effort writing response to your helpless word salads but he’s got multiple conditions and the poor guy is investing half his time in nootropics and self-medication.
low-IQ comments in my thread
the only low-IQ comments in this thread are your posts.
as "bad feelings" resulting from not conforming to social standards.
Differentiate between them and actual mental illnesses then. People nowadays go to therapy/a psychologist for any reason.
Why make another post to say literally nothing?
You both don't need to bother, if anyone else wants to chime in to discuss the subject they're welcome to, I'm not the owner of truth and know for a fact the subject is much broader than what I've stated in my post.
Scientific methodology doens't exist? You don't even know what I'm talking about you low IQ monkey.
Go back to the hole you came from.
This is also why the ever-increasing standards for acceptability will lead to more diagnosed mentally ill people when in fact it's just the growing amount of people not being able to conform.
This is very true. I might not even be autistic for all we know and I was just a chosen one that was not supposed to conform. The standards of NTness will rise over the years (thanks to the Jews) and whoever can't be an NPC will be an Autistic Outcast.

The Jews are trying to create NPC robots who can't truly express their true selves and weirdness. What an absolute cucked world. :feelsrope:

Humans are supposed to express their inner weirdo. Their inner complexity. Not suppress their true personality forever without ever getting to feel free. Human nature sucks and we should blown up this damn planet ffs
welcome to my ignore list
brainlet puts on ignore someone not taking seriously an essay written from a fucking single WIKIPEDIA page. fucking brainlet retard
Fat Link @Fat Link this should be a sticky imo. Alot of us might not have any mental illness whatsoever and it might just be the standards of NTness rising.
yea commentary on fucking wikipedia is so high iq man
Fat Link @Fat Link this should be a sticky imo. Alot of us might not have any mental illness whatsoever and it might just be the standards of NTness rising.
Sure. :feelsokman:

I think mental illnesses genuinely do exist but under corrupt governments like ZOG these conditions can be applied to ZOG’s political opponents falsely in a particularly devious and wicked attempt to discredit them.
Sure. :feelsokman:

I think mental illnesses genuinely do exist but under corrupt governments like ZOG these conditions can be applied to ZOG’s political opponents falsely in a particularly devious and wicked attempt to discredit them.
I mean imagine how many users here are just regular neurotypicals. And we were just wrongly diagnosed because of our looks and non conformity. I could be NT for all we know. Diagnosis on Mental Illnesses isnt even legit. Its influenced by your looks aswell.

Kind of like how a chadlite in 2022 will be a low tier normie in 2050. Because of hypergamy.

Same with NTness. A Neurotypical as of right now might be considered Neordivergent in the future because he couldn't conform and get with the times. Your mental illness diagnosis is influenced by your looks and How much effort you put in trying to fit in. But I agree,mentall illnesses do exist. What is ZOG btw?
From Peter Breggin's "Guilt, Shame, and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions"

Jewpills are nothing but tranquilizers and anesthetics for bad feelings
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But sure, low IQ people here would rather not read something interesting for once and reflect and tell me I'm writing shit out of my ass from wikipedia pages :smonk:
Please take note, it has never been proven that schizophrenia, depression or anxiety disorders have genetic or physical origins.
Sure. :feelsokman:

I think mental illnesses genuinely do exist but under corrupt governments like ZOG these conditions can be applied to ZOG’s political opponents falsely in a particularly devious and wicked attempt to discredit them.
why you sticky a fucking essay some brainlet wrote about a fucking wikipedia page dude the fuck
I mean imagine how many users here are just regular neurotypicals. And we were just wrongly diagnosed because of our looks and non conformity. I could be NT for all we know. Diagnosis on Mental Illnesses isnt even legit. Its influenced by your looks aswell.

Kind of like how a chadlite in 2022 will be a low tier normie in 2050. Because of hypergamy.

Same with NTness. A Neurotypical as of right now might be considered Neordivergent in the future because he couldn't conform and get with the times. Your mental illness diagnosis is influenced by your looks and How much effort you put in trying to fit in. But I agree,mentall illnesses do exist. What is ZOG btw?
The Jew site only partly gets it right though. :feelshehe:

ZOG is any government that is outright communist ala China or overly Jewy ie Jew influenced and far leftist in the way that it rules its citizens.

Thus the UK, Canada and Australia are also a part of ZOG and not simply the US and occupied Palestine. :feelsthink:
Ugly = 'mentally ill'.

Also, various diagnoses are dependent on social consensus ( that is 'normal' in soyciety now ). E.g. in Soviet Union those who don't believed in commie ideas were considered 'mentally ill'.
Fear of judgment and general Prejudice , inhibts People ,to be who they really are. Mental ilness is just a Huge Gaslight to keep People being Productive Emotionally inhibited Shits.
Mecoja @Mecoja subhuman @sub human Rimiru @Rimiru Rotter @Rotter Lux @Lux ItsOver4cel @ItsOver4cel lemon21 @lemon21 IchWillSterben @IchWillSterben lonelycurry26 @lonelycurry26 E @Edmund_Kemper
This is very true. I might not even be autistic for all we know and I was just a chosen one that was not supposed to conform. The standards of NTness will rise over the years (thanks to the Jews) and whoever can't be an NPC will be an Autistic Outcast.

The Jews are trying to create NPC robots who can't truly express their true selves and weirdness. What an absolute cucked world. :feelsrope:

Humans are supposed to express their inner weirdo. Their inner complexity. Not suppress their true personality forever without ever getting to feel free. Human nature sucks and we should blown up this damn planet ffs
High IQ thread.

You've explored why both psychiatry and therapy don't work.

"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.
For the low IQ cels, this is OP's main thesis.

You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.
That's a good way to phrase it. The parameters for what constitutes "normal" in psychiatry and psychology are extremely narrow. Any slight deviations and you're at risk for being x, y and z. Psychology's and psychiatry's conformity parameters are narrower than society's, but this is probably by design in order to be conservative (in "treatments") and over-correct deviations from the social norms.
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Have you guys seen the movie with David Tennant about Ronald D. Laing? Highly recommend.

Great thread btw
I agree with Thomas Szasz and the way you understand him.

Now, I have a question for you. If psychiatry has replaced religion, then in a sense, it make sense to call it just another religion.

Imo, it is impossible for mankind to escape "religion" understood in this broad sense.

The question is this: are you prepared to discuss what religion we should adopt instead of psychiatry?

My premise here is that, since humans always have some kind of religion, the only way to kick one out is to adopt another.
The question is this: are you prepared to discuss what religion we should adopt instead of psychiatry?

My premise here is that, since humans always have some kind of religion, the only way to kick one out is to adopt another.
Why do you need to adopt a religion? You have the awareness to not need it or depend on the psychological and emotional crutches of religions.
I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.
I took those jew-pills (Mirtazapin) for 1,5 years, it didnt work. But you can try it on your own.

Very good thread!:feelsokman:
Good post OP !

Szasz was correct. And the mental health community rejects his principle discovery (in practice) but many of the boomer generation of mental health experts suspect he was onto something. But yet, they are not able to face the problem because (as K9Otaku @K9Otaku said above) they know that replacing the establishment practice means addressing cultural malfunction head on.
Why do you need to adopt a religion?
For all the reasons you (and I, all of us) are recognising and citing to on an almost daily basis. We just saw what Szasz says, and you also see how Foid worship+ Wokeism+Psychiatry is already a religion. So it's a good question to discuss. How do we replace it?
Why do you need to adopt a religion? You have the awareness to not need it or depend on the psychological and emotional crutches of religions.
You have to credit masturbate.

It is the only way to offset the pain resulting from the repression of your instincts that civilized life requires. Crutches are necessary as soon as you stop living like a hunter gatherer (which is what our instincts are for)

In any case, you do it, whether you realize it or not.
I understand what you're getting at and the comparison Szasz was making, but I don't think your conclusion is entirely correct.
I don't think there's a human need for religion itself. The problem is twofold: hierarchy is a natural tendency in nature (not just humans but also other animals), and humans are also unsatisfied with simply fulfilling their biological functions, unlike other animals.
The tendency towards hierarchization ends up creating politics, culture, and also religion. Religion is just one of those systems of hierarchy.
However, since religion provides a metaphysical background and a "higher end" for humans that isn't simply rooted in earthly living and fulfillment of animalistic/instinctual needs, it is very enticing for humans and has drawn a lot of people over history.
But as we have seen, religion has been replaced with many other forms of idolatry - culture, status, politics, scientism, illuminism (man is god), humanitarianism, etc.
It just means humans make their way towards making up coping mechanisms to distract themselves from their raw animalistic natures (we're no different from other animals on a core level), Ernest Becker, also influenced by Szasz, has interesting insights (although I don't completely agree with him) about the subject in the book "The Denial of Death", which resonates a lot with what I've thought about this over the last years:

While I agree that these systems of illusion were the reason civilization came up and united groups, I think that going away from accepting this reality of our earthly nature is actually a denial of life itself, and the making of these surrogate activities and beliefs is what brought us to completely disbelief and lack of higher purpose in the current zeitgeist on an individual level, because they were never capable of replacing the simple fulfillment of these natural desires/needs we as humans have (survival and reproduction).

That's why I don't think there's a solution to this, much less so on a collective level. In fact, any collective "solution" is actually just means of control and hierarchy in order to build "civilization" while suppressing individual needs. These beliefs systems will simply replace one another until we go back completely to primitive social interactions, however with much more technology and concentration of resources than ever, which means only a few are able to fulfill these natural needs (survival and reproduction).

There's only an individual solution to this, in my view: realizing and accepting our own basic nature (taking the blackpill) and finding ways to satisfy our natural needs without focusing on a "higher purpose" (which despite being a supposedly higher good than fulfilling our natural needs, in practice is just a means to control and deprive less privileged humans from achieving their own individual desires/needs, much like Stirner realized in The Ego and Its Own).

And this is coming from someone who studied religions all his life and was at points in time very religious (even "radically" so). It was just me coping trying to find a greater meaning for life because I wasn't achieving my own basic natural needs.
You have to credit masturbate.

It is the only way to offset the pain resulting from the repression of your instincts that civilized life requires. Crutches are necessary as soon as you stop living like a hunter gatherer (which is what our instincts are for)

In any case, you do it, whether you realize it or not.
In a "civilized" society, these illusions are needed, exactly as you said. But for those who can't gain from this societal structure, and moreso for those who can actually realize they gain nothing from it (for instance, many "normies" and NPCs gain very little from conforming towards this civilized standard, which currently only benefits the top elites, but stay with those beliefs under the illusion that they can gain something from it), the only solution (to me) is going back to our hunter-gatherer instincts and try to adapt this to our current zeitgeist, and that can only be done on an individual level.

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